At A R Business Brokers, it starts with a valuation process that tells you what companies like yours have recently sold for and what is a fair market value given current market dynamics. Our purpose-driven valuation is accurate and offers clients comprehensive Broker Opinion of Value reports and Chartered Business Valuation reports to assess a company’s current value. Valuations are crucial for selling or buying a business. They help establish a company’s value when a partner disagreement needs settling, applying for a bank loan, an estate freeze is required, or a business value needs defending in a legal dispute. If you need business valuation in Canada and looking for a business valuator, call us.

We are led by passionate minds with diverse-industry knowledge and invaluable market insights. Our business valuators in Toronto understand value drivers and the process of value creation. Business appraisals and valuations for our clients are backed by the latest sales and purchase data. Our business valuators in Toronto closely monitor the market, ensuring that we have the most accurate data to support an accurate business valuation for the sale or purchase of any business.

Further, valuations can help negotiate a purchase and sale, secure credit, settle a legal dispute, taxation purposes, or management’s internal use. ARBB has the expertise in identifying the full potential of a business. Which is why our clients count on us for proper guidance. Contact us today for business appraisal and valuation services in Canada.

We service business owners and their professional advisors (Lawyers and Accountants) to provide Valuation support services primarily for the purposes of:

  • Estate Freezes
  • Corporate Reorganizations
  • Debt Funding
  • Annual Goodwill Impairment
  • Purchase Price Allocation
  • Intangible Asset Valuations
  • Strategic management
  • Succession Planning
  • ESOP
  • Tax Reorganization & Estate Planning

So let's talk.

One of our business valuation experts will get in touch with you.